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Kim Jasmin Lapacz - PhD candidate


Institut für Biochemie

Zülpicher Str. 47A

50674 Köln

Phone: +49-(0)221-470-4589

E-mail: klapacz(at)


Curriculum Vitae

2013 – 2016 B.Sc. in Biological Sciences at the University of Cologne

2016 – 2018 M.Sc. in Biological Sciences at the University of Cologne

Since March 2019 – Ph.D. student in the Riemer Lab



  • Hoehne MN, Jacobs LJHC, Lapacz KJ, Calabrese G, Murschall LM, Marker T, Kaul H, Trifunovic A, Morgan B, Fricker M, Belousov VV, Riemer J, (2022) Spatial and temporal control of mitochondrial H2O2 release in intact human cells. EMBO J, e109169

  • Finger Y, Habich M, Gerlich S, Urbanczyk S, Logt E, Koch J, Schu L, Lapacz KJ, Ali M, Petrungaro C, Salscheider SL, Pichlo C, Baumann U, Mielenz D, Brachvogel B, Hofmaann K, Riemer J. (2020). Proteasomal degradation induced by DPP9‐mediated processing competes with mitochondrial protein import. EMBO Journal 2020 Aug e103889