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Matthias Weith - Staff Scientist


Institut für Biochemie

Zülpicher Str. 47A

50674 Köln

Phone: +49-(0)221-470-

E-mail: mweith(at)


Curriculum Vitae

2008-2011 B.Sc. Pharmazeutische Biotechnologie, Hochschule Biberach

2011-2013 M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology, Hochschule Mannheim, Master thesis at CGC (MPI Dortmund)

2014-2019 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) University of Duisburg-Essen with Hemmo Meyer

2019 PostDoc at ETH Zürich with Paola Picotti

2019-2022 PostDoc at CECAD Cologne with Andreas Beyer

since 2022 Staff Scientist in the Riemer lab


  • DFG funding during PostDoc with Andreas Beyer (DFG project 440376057)
  • Part of the CRC1678 (Systems-level consequences of fidelity changes in mRNA and protein biosynthesis) with the project “Metabolic signaling as a safeguard of translational fidelity” (B08)


  • Zimmermann J, Lang L, Calabrese G, Laporte H, Amponsah PS, Michalk C, Sukmann T, Oestreicher J, Tursch A, Peker E, Owusu TNE, Weith M, Roma LP, Deponte M#, Riemer J#, Morgan B# (2025) Tsa1 is the dominant peroxide scavenger and a source of H2O2-dependent GSSG production in yeast. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 226:408-420
  • Weith M, Großbach J, Clement-Ziza M, Gillet L, Rodríguez-López M, Marguerat S, Workman CT, Picotti P, Bähler J, Aebersold R, Beyer A. (2023) Genetic effects on molecular network states explain complex traits. Mol Syst Biol. 19(8):e11493
  • Weith M, Beyer A. (2023) The next step in Mendelian randomization.Elife. 12:e86416.
  • Grossbach J, Gillet L, Clément-Ziza M, Schmalohr CL, Schubert OT, Schütter M, Mawer JSP, Barnes CA, Bludau I, Weith M, Tessarz P, Graef M, Aebersold R, Beyer A. (2022) The impact of genomic variation on protein phosphorylation states and regulatory networks. Mol Syst Biol.18(5):e10712
  • Weith M, Seiler J, van den Boom J, Kracht M, Hülsmann J, Primorac I, Del Pino Garcia J, Kaschani F, Kaiser M, Musacchio A, Bollen M, Meyer H. (2018) Ubiquitin-Independent Disassembly by a p97 AAA-ATPase Complex Drives PP1 Holoenzyme Formation. Mol Cell. 72(4):766-777.e6
  • Hülsmann J, Kravic B, Weith M, Gstaiger M, Aebersold R, Collins BC, Meyer H. AP-(2018) SWATH Reveals Direct Involvement of VCP/p97 in Integrated Stress Response Signaling Through Facilitating CReP/PPP1R15B Degradation. Mol Cell Proteomics. 17(7):1295-1307
  • Eiteneuer A, Seiler J, Weith M, Beullens M, Lesage B, Krenn V, Musacchio A, Bollen M, Meyer H. (2014) Inhibitor-3 ensures bipolar mitotic spindle attachment by limiting association of SDS22 with kinetochore-bound protein phosphatase-1. EMBO J. 33(22):2704-20