Teaching at the University of Cologne
We take part in the teaching and the practical modules of the Institute of Biochemistry:
- Biochemie Grundvorlesung (WiSe) - für Chemiker, Biologen, Biochemiker (Bio3A, Modul6) - B.Sc. [Vorlesung, Deutsch]
- Fortgeschrittene Biochemie Vorlesung (SoSe) - für Biochemiker (BC4) - B.Sc [Vorlesung, Deutsch]
- Praktikum Bioanalytik (mit Ines Neundorf) (WiSe) - für Biologen, Biochemiker - B.Sc. [Praktikum, Deutsch]
Vorlesungsskripte sind in ILIAS (https://www.ilias.uni-koeln.de) zu finden. Passwörter und entsprechende Links bekommen Sie in der Vorlesung.
- Subject Module Redox Metabolism (SoSe) for Biologists and Biochemists - M.Sc. [Laboratory Module, English]
- Laboratory Module (all year) for Biochemists, Biologists and Chemists - M.Sc. [Laboratory Module, English]
Information and lecture material can be found on ILIAS (https://www.ilias.uni-koeln.de)
We can always fix an (ZOOM-) appointment on short notice. Please write a short E-mail to Jan Riemer: jan.riemer(at)uni-koeln.de
Supervision of B.Sc. and M.Sc. projects
Students interested in doing B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses in our lab are always welcome!
For inquiries, please contact Jan (jan.riemer(at)uni-koeln.de) to discuss research possibilities over coffee.